April 11, 2016

movie mondays: "hearts of spring"

I have a love-hate relationship with Hallmark movies. In theory, I love them, and I eagerly anticipate every single one. But as I'm watching them, half the time I'm thinking about plot holes, lack of chemistry, or just general stupidity. (I could name names, but I won't ... because I do really love the Hallmark Channel, and movies that I find insipid others love, and vice versa.)

This spring, Hallmark is having "Spring Fling" with a new movie every Saturday. The first film was one that I didn't particularly enjoy (and yet I still watched all of), but I was optimistic about the second film, Hearts of Spring, for one reason:


Michael Shanks is much beloved in my family. We kids grew up watching Stargate: SG-1, and Shanks played Dr. Daniel Jackson. (Side note: my cats are all named after Stargate characters.)

I've seen Shanks in a few TV movies since Stargate ended--some good, others not so much. But I go into each Shanks movie in the same way I go into each Hallmark movie: with cautious optimism.

Michael Shanks & Lisa Whelchel in Hearts of Spring
I'm happy to report that Hearts of Spring is quite delightful! Shanks is Andy, a pediatrician and single father. Lisa Whelchel is his love interest Carly, a florist and mommy blogger. It's kind of You've Got Mail in reverse--the two meet and get along well in real life, not realizing they're online nemeses.

Shanks and Welchel have real chemistry, and the story, while not original, is quite enjoyable. (Hallmark had a very similar plot in All Things Valentine, which premiered in February, but I think Hearts of Spring did it better.)

One of my favorite aspects of the film is just how awkward it is when Andy and Carly are first getting to know each other--it lends a realistic, not so fairytale-like vibe. (I appreciate awkward. My sister Blendy does not, and she would have been hiding behind the throw pillows!)

Though the ending is a bit cheesy and, well, Hallmark-like, I can forgive that, as the rest of the movie is just so fun! Also, I did find it hilarious that this giant state-wide blogger convention that was mentioned throughout the film ended up having about 100 people in attendance--like, could they only find 95 extras that day? I mean, I've never attended a blogging convention myself (though I'd love to someday), but I'd imagined it would be a much bigger event!

Hearts of Spring is definitely one of the more enjoyable Hallmark movies I've seen recently. If you've seen it, I'd love to know what you thought. And if you haven't, be sure to catch it in one of its repeat airings!

Photo Credits: Copyright 2016 Crown Media United States, LLC


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