October 7, 2008

evening agenda

Just returned from Canada and Indiana, and I've hit the ground running.  After a crazy day at work (where I spent hours designing a postcard, thanks to a sketchy internet connection), I still have a million things to do.  On the agenda: 
  • read 50-100 pages of Lynne Spears' autobiography
  • begin jotting down thoughts for review of said book
  • work on my novel
  • wash dishes
  • call Val
  • flip between NCIS and Dancing with the Stars
  • grade journals
  • upload pictures from Canada trip
  • have dinner with the fam
  • unpack
  • go to bed before midnight
We'll see how I do.


  1. You didn't include watching any of the debate. How was the trip north of the border? How was Miss Val?

  2. That's because I have no plans to watch any of the debate. In fact, I just turned my TV off. I'll be writing about Canada soon!

  3. Are you reading about the famous Spears family? The one w/ Britney and Jamie Lynne? Was Jamie Lynne named after her father and mother IN THAT ORDER?!?!??!?!


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